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Napoleonic Fiction
SourcesTrue Soldier Gentlemen and the rest of the series draw heavily on the memoirs, diaries, and letters of the time. Wherever possible I have gone first to these, and many of the incidents in each of the books are based on real events. I have also benefitted a great deal by reading more modern histories of the Peninsula War, and the wider Regency and Napoleonic era. In the Historical Note at the end of each novel I have tried to give readers some idea of where the truth ends and fiction begins. However, there is not space there to list the sources, and so the pages that follow are intended to fill the gap. The works listed are those on my shelves. It is not yet a complete list, but includes most of the books that have influenced the novels so far. In time I will add more volumes relevant to the later campaigns as I write those stories. For the moment I have omitted most of the extensive literature concerning the Waterloo campaign, or the War of 1812. They will come when Williams, Hanley, Pringle et alii get there. I have also not listed a few books which may give away some of the surprises to come later in the series. These books are not in alphabetical order, but loosely arranged whether chronologically or in very rough order of usefulness or topic. Some good collections of sources Charles Esdaile, Peninsula Eyewitnesses. The experience of War in Spain and Portugal
1808-1813 (2008). Ian Fletcher (ed.), Voices from the Peninsula. Eyewitness accounts by soldiers of Wellington's Army 1808-1814 (2001). Major-General H. T. Siborne (ed.), Waterloo Letters (1993). Sir Charles Oman, A History of the Peninsula War. Vols 1-7. Charles Esdaile, The Peninsula War. A New History (2002). Jac Weller, Wellington in the Peninsula 1808-1814 (reprinted 1992 with new introduction).
Jac Weller, Wellington at Waterloo (1992). Commandant Henry Lachouque, Jean Tranie, and J-C. Carmigniani, Napoleon's War in Spain
(1982). Studies of specific battles or campaigns Ian Fletcher, The Waters of Oblivion. The British Invasion of the Rio de la Plata 1806-1807
(2006). René Chartrand, Vimeiro 1808. Wellesley's first victory in the Peninsular (2001). C.S. Grant, Wellington's First Campaign in Portugal (2007). Philip Haythornwaite, Corunna 1809. Sir John Moore's Fighting Retreat (2001). Christopher Hibbert, Corunna (1961). Cristopher Summerville, March of Death. Sir John Moore's Retreat to Corunna, 1808-1809 (2003). Peter Edwards, Talavera. Wellington's Early Peninsular Victories 1808-1809 (2005). Andrew W. Field, Talavera. Wellington's first victory in Spain (2006). C.S. Grant, Wellington's Return. The Battle of Talavera 1809 (2009). Useful on uniform detail. Peter Edwards, Albuera. Wellington's Fourth Peninsular Campaign, 1811 (2008). Rory Muir, Salamanca 1812 (2001). David Buttery, Wellington against Junot. The first invasion of Portugal 1807-1808 (2011) David Buttery, Wellington against Massena. The third invasion of Portugal (2007). Many of the copies I have are Greenhill reprints, or the less polished but still useful Leonaur editions. Robert Blakeney, A Boy in the Peninsular War (1989). Ian Fletcher (ed.), In the service of the King. The letters of William Thornton Keep at home,
Walcheren, and in the Peninsula, 1808-1814 (1997). George Wood, The subaltern officer of the Prince of Wales's Volunteers (2009). Alexander Gordon, Hussar in Winter. A British cavalry officer during the retreat to Corunna
in the peninsular Campaign of the Napoleonic Wars (2006). John Patterson, Adventures with the Dirty Half Hundred. The Peninsular War Reminiscences
of an officer of H.M. 50th Regiment of Foot (2009). Gareth Glover (ed.), The Corunna Journal of Captain C. A. Pierrepoint AQMG (2005).
August Ludolf Friedrich Schaumann, On the road with Wellington. The diary of a War
Commissary (1999). Sir Richard Henegan, Seven Years campaigning in the Peninsula and the Netherlands 1808-
1815 (2005). William Grattan, Adventures with the Connaught Rangers, 1809-1814 (1989). W. F. K. Thompson, An Ensign in the Peninsular War. The letters of John Aitchison (1981).
Moyle Sherer, Recollections of the Peninsula (1996). Lieut-Col. William Tomkinson, The Diary of a Cavalry Officer in the Penisular and
Waterloo Campaigns (1999). Major George Simmons, A British Rifleman. Journals and correspondence during the
Peninsular War and the Campaign of Waterloo (1986). S. Monick (ed.), The Iberian and Waterloo Campaigns. The letters of Lt. James Hope (92nd (Highland) Regiment) 1811-1815 (2000). John Frederick Herring, Journal of an officer in the King's German Legion (2009). Peter Hawker & William Graham, Officers and Gentlemen (2009). Joseph Anderson, Fighting Napoleon's Empire. The campaigns of a British Infantryman in Italy, Egypt, the Peninsular and the West Indies during the Napoleonic Wars (2007). George Robert Gleig, The Subaltern. Experiences of an officer of the 85th Light Infantry
during the Peninsular War (2009). John Cowell Stepney, The Peninsular War with the Coldstream Guards. Reminiscences of an officer in Portugal and Spain (2009). Michael Glover (ed.), A Gentleman Volunteer. The letters of George Hennell from the
Peninsular War, 1812-13 (1979). John Kincaid, The complete Kincaid of the Rifles (2009). John Dobbs and Robert Knowles, Gentlemen in Red. Two accounts of British infantry
officers during the Peninsular War (2008). Eileen Hathaway (ed.), A True Soldier Gentleman. The Memoirs of Lt. John Cooke 1791-
1813 (2000). Sir Harry Smith, The Autobiography of Sir Harry Smith 1787-1819 (1999). Nicholas Bentley (ed.), Selections from the reminiscences of Captain Gronow (1977). Jonathan Leach, Captain of the 95th (Rifles). An officer of Wellington's sharpshooters during
the Peninsular, South of France and Waterloo Campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars (2005).
George Bell, Ensign Bell in the Peninsular War. The experiences of a young British soldier
of the 34th Regiment 'the Cumberland Gentlemen' in the Napoleonic Wars (2006). Major-General Sir Benjamin D'Urban, The Peninsular Journal, 1808-1817 (1988). James Stanhope (ed. Gareth Glover), Eyewitness to the Peninsular War and the Battle of Waterloo. The letters of Lt. Col. the Hon. James Stanhope 1803-1825 (2010). Charles Crowe (ed. Gareth Glover), An Eloquent Soldier. The Peninsular War Journals of Lieutenant Charles Crowe of the Inniskillings 1812-1814 (2011). Sir Thomas Brotherton (ed. Bryan Perrett), A Hawk at War. The Peninsular Reminiscences of General Sir Thomas Brotherton, CB (1986). Edward Charles Cocks (ed. Julia Page), Intelligence Officer in the Peninsula. Letters and Diaries of Major the Hon. Edward Charles Cocks 1786-1812 (1986). Christopher Hibbert (ed.), A soldier of the Seventy-First. The journal of a soldier in the
Peninsular War (1970). Christopher Hibbert, The Recollections of Rifleman Harris (1970). George Nugent Banks (ed.), The autobiography of Sergeant William Lawrence, a hero of
the Peninsular and Waterloo campaigns (1987). Daniel Nicol, Sergeant Nicol. The experiences of a Gordon Highlander during the
Napoleonic Wars in Egypt, the Peninsula and France (2007). Robert Eadie, On campaign with the 79th Highlanders through Portugal and Spain.
William Green and Harry Smith, Bugler and Officer of the Rifles. With the 95th (Rifles)
during the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars (2005). John. S. Cooper, Fusilier Cooper. Experiences in the 7th (Royal) Fusiliers during the
Peninsular Campaign of the Napoleonic Wars and the American Campaign to New Orleans
(2007). Eileen Hathaway (ed.), Costello. The true story of a Peninsular War Rifleman (1997).
John Selby (ed.), The recollections of Sergeant Morris (1967). B. H. Liddell Hart (ed.), The Letters of Private Wheeler 1809-1828 (1951). George Farmer & G. R. Gleig, The Adventures of a Light Dragoon in the Napoleonic Wars
(2006). Thomas Garrety, Soldiering with the Division. The military experiences of an infantryman
of the 43rd Regiment during the Napoleonic Wars (2007). Johann Christian Maempel, Adventures of a Young rifleman. The experiences of a Saxon in
the French and British Armies during the Napoleonic Wars (2008). Gareth Glover (ed.), The Diary of a veteran. The diary of Sergeant Peter Facey, 28th (North
Gloucester) Regiment of Foot 1803-1813 (2007). Stanley Monick (ed.), Douglas's Tale of the Peninsula and Waterloo 1808-1815 (1997).
Joseph Donaldson, Recollections of the eventful life of a soldier (2000). James Anton, Retrospect of a military life (1991). William Surtees, Surtees of the 95th (Rifles). A soldier of the 95th (Rifles in the Peninsular
Campaign of the Napoleonic Wars (2006). Maurice de Tascher (edited and translated Rosemary Brindle), Campaigning for Napoleon.
The diary of a Napoleonic cavalry officer 1806-1813 (2006). Albert Jean Michel de Roca, In the Peninsula with a French Hussar (1990). De Gonville, Recollections of Colonel de Gonville. 2 Vols. (1988). Baron de Marbot, The Memoirs of Baron de Marbot. 2 vols. (1990). T. B. Jones (ed.), Napoleon’s Army. The military memoirs of Charles Parquin (1969).
Heinrich von Brandt, In the Legions of Napoleon. The memoirs of a Polish officer in Spain and Russia 1808-1813 (1999). Dezydery Chaplowski, Memoirs of a Polish Lancer (1992). Elzéar Blaze (translation by John R. Elting), Military Life under Napoleon (1995). Captain Jean-Roche Coignet, The note books of Captain Coignet, soldier of the Empire 1799- 1816 (1989). Jean-Baptiste Barres, Chasseur Barres. The experiences of a French infantryman of the
Imperial Guard at Austerlitz, Jena, Eylau, Friedland, in the Peninsular, Lutzen, Bautzen,
Zinnwald and Hanau during the Napoleonic Wars (2006). John H. Gill (ed.), A Soldier for Napoleon. The campaigns of Lieutenant Franz Joseph
Hausmann 7th Bavarian Infantry (1998). Antony Brett-James, Life in Wellington's Army (1992). Robert Burnham & Rory McGuigan, The British Army against Napoleon. Facts, lists, and trivia 1805-1815 (2010). Brigadier F. C. G. Page, Following the Drum. Women in Wellington's Wars (1986). Noel St John Williams, Judy O'Grady and the Colonel's Lady. The Army wife and Camp Follower since 1660 (1988). Stuart Semmel, Napoleon and the British (2004). Rory Muir, Britain and the defeat of Napoleon 1807-1815 (1996). Charles J. Esdaile, Fighting Napoleon. Guerillas, Bandits and Adventurers in Spain 1808-1814 (2004). Elizabeth Longford, Wellington. The years of the sword (1969). Michael Glover, A Very Slippery Fellow: the life of Sir Robert Wilson 1777-1849 (1977).
Michael Ross, The Reluctant King. Joseph Bonaparte King of the Two Sicilies and Spain
(1976). Carola Oman, Sir John Moore (1953). Roger Day, The Life of Sir John Moore. 'Not a drum was heard'. (2001). Mark Urban, The man who broke Napoleon's codes. The story of George Scovell (2001). Donald E. Graves, Fix Bayonets! A Royal Welch Fusilier at War 1796-1815 (2006).
David Chandler (ed.), Napoleon's Marshals (2000). Rory Muir, Robert Burnham, Howie Muir, & Ron McGuigan, Inside Wellington's Army
(2006). Sir Charles Oman, Wellington's Army 1809-1814 (1913, reprinted 2006). Paddy Griffith (ed.), A History of the Peninsula War. Volume 9 (1999). Martin Windrow, Military Dress of the Peninsula War 1808-1814 (1997). C. E. Franklin, British Napoleonic Uniforms (2008). C. E. Franklin, British Napoleonic Field Artillery (2008) Chris McNab, Armies of the Napoleonic Wars. An illustrated history (2009). Philip J. Haythornwaite, The Armies of Wellington (1998). Colonel H. C. B. Rogers, Napoleon's Army (1982). John R. Elting, Swords around a throne. Napoleon’s Grande Armée (1988). Rory Muir, Tactics and the experience of battle in the age of Napoleon (1998). Brent Nosworthy, Battle Tactics of Napoleon and his enemies (1997). Richard Holmes, Redcoat. The British Soldier in the age of horse and musket (2001). David Johnson, The French cavalry 1792-1815 (1989). Michael Glover, Wellington's Army in the Peninsula 1808-1814 (1977). Philip J. Haythornwaite, Napoleon's Military Machine (1988), & Wellington's Military
Machine (1989). David Gates, The British Light Infantry Army, c. 1790-1815 (1987). Ian Fletcher, Napoleonic Wars: Wellington's Army (1996), and René Chartrand, Napoleonic Wars: Napoleon's Army (1996) in Brassey's History of Uniforms Series. Ian Fletcher, Galloping at everything. The British cavalry in the Peninsular War and Waterloo 1808-1815: A reappraisal (1999, 2008) Robert Burnham, Charging against Wellington. The French cavalry in the Peninsular War 1807-1814 (2011). David Johnson, Napoleon's Cavalry and its leaders (1978). Carole Divall, Redcoats against Napoleon. The 30th Regiment during the Revolutionary and
Napoleonic Wars (2009). Carole Divall, Inside the Regiment. The officers and men of the 30th Regiment during the
Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (2011). Lieutenant-Colonel William Mayne & Captain Lillie, A Narrative of the Campaigns of the Loyal Lusitanian Legion during the years 1809, 1810, & 1811 (reprint 2005). Gibbes Rigaud, Swift and Bold. The 60th Rifles during the Peninsula War (2008). Charles Cadell, The Slashers. The campaigns of the 28th Regiment of Foot during the Napoleonic Wars by a serving officer (2008). Mark Urban, Rifles. Six years with Wellington's legendary sharpshooters (2003). Alan Lagden and John Sly, The 2/73rd at Waterloo (1988). Alexander H. Craufurd, General Craufurd and his Light Division: with many anecdotes, a paper and letters by Sir John Moore, and also letters from the Right hon. W. Windham, the Duke of Wellington, Lord Londonderry, and others. (re-print 2004) John Mollo, The Prince's Dolls. Scandals, skirmishes and splendours of the Hussars, 1739-1815 (1997). N. Ludlow Beamish, History of the King's German Legion. 2 Volumes (1997 re-print) Willoughby Verner, History and campaigns of the rifle Brigade 1800-1813. 2 Volumes (1912) Digby Smith, Napoleon's German Division in Spain. Vol. 1 - Nassau, Baden, Frankfurt, Dutch and Hessen-Darmstadt Troops, their regimental History, Uniforms, and Organisation (2012). George Nafziger, Mariusz T. Wesolowski, Tom Devoe, Poles and Saxons of the Napoleonic Wars (1991). Back to main page | |
© Adrian Goldsworthy 2009 |