Apart from his non fiction books on the ancient world, and especially the history of Rome's Republic and Empire, Adrian Goldsworthy also writes historical fiction. At present there are two series of novels. The first, which began with True Soldier Gentlemen, is set in the Peninsular War and follows a group of characters in the fictional 106th Regiment of Foot. So far there are six stories in the series, and the plan is to write another half dozen or so, eventually taking the story on to Waterloo.

Vindolanda is the start of a new series of stories set at the end of the first century and beginning of the second century AD on the northern frontier in Roman Britain. These stories will follow the adventures of Flavius Ferox, centurio regionarius, a Briton serving as a Roman army officer.

Hill 112 is his latest novel, of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.

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